The additional stadium (suitable for eastern flavoured teams such as the Khemri) is a welcome addition, along with Orc Cheerleaders (which is an image I will never be able to unsee) again adds welcome variety, we could benefit from Undead Cheerleaders, Elf Cheerleaders, and Dwarf Cheerleaders along with a Daemonic Stadium and a Tribal/Norse/Amazonian Stadium to give us enough variety that teams do not feel quite so indistinct though.Ī less welcome return is the commentary which still remains very shallow and is missing a lot of variety and depth that would be expected from sports games as a whole.

The stadiums, the players, and everything in between have had a welcome coat of spit and shine that has ensured that the game should remain relevant for some time to come. The twenty-two other teams are represented in their full glory from Chaos Edition (sans the visual changes as they level, again, one of those other omissions that could do with a content fix in the future) and the bump in visual fidelity from the first game is a welcome addition.